Tuesday 31 March 2020

My Last Month of Netflix

I have a confession...I only got Netflix a few months ago.
Yes, I was one of those people who stayed awkwardly quiet whilst everyone else swapped stories on the latest shows that were trending. Now that I have it, how did I survive so long without it!?

So, after spending countless hours catching up on all the hot shows, and eating my weight and more in snacks - I thought I'd share what I've finished and loved this last month.

New Beginnings...

It’s hard to start something new.
Instagram has been something that I have always enjoyed (no matter how hard I tried to stay away!) and something that I’ve been on since I was 16. But when it comes to blogging, I always wanted to get in to but saw it as more “unfamiliar territory”.
I’ve started and stopped more times than I can count over the years, whether it’s due to work, general life, and also just because I was anxious over whether I was any good at it, or if anyone is even out there reading.
But this year, even though we’re already coming in to April and I may be late to the party for new years resolutions, I want to force myself out of my comfort zone.
So it’s decided – I will start blogging! I’ve left behind the old blogs, left behind the old social media sites I once had, and I’m starting again. New content, new start.
Watch this space, there will be more to come.
Mel x

Sunday 8 January 2017

5 Ways to Relax After a Long Week

So it's the first week of January, and already I find myself feeling worn out and daydreaming about the weekend! If you're like me, and have had a tough first week at work, or you're stressed out with university and exams, or even if you just feel like chilling out this weekend (because who doesn't love a chill day!?) - then I've got a few things that you could do to ease that heavy weight off your shoulders!

Sunday 1 January 2017

My Favourites of 2016 | Beauty, Fashion & More!

Here we are, saying goodbye to another year.
I'm going to say it.
The thing that I'm sure some of you have said, or your parents, your aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends - someone will have said it.
2016 went so quickly!!!

To be honest, I do say that every year but this year feels like it's been the most life changing year of my life to date. So it seemed only natural to write up a few posts focusing on my favourites, highlights and memories of 2016 - starting with the products and things I've loved this year!